
Everything's Coming Up Milhouse

Things have been good for me lately....very good. I'm surrounded by awesome people, I have a good job, I've got lots of toys (as many as any 38 year-old could ask for) and lots of freedom to do the things I want to do. I've got great kids, a decent car that works (but soon to be replaced), a modest comic collection, a big yard, a cool house (soon to undergo some improvements), a fridge and freezer full of food and a cat that greets me at the door (who ever said cats don't do that?). 

Two weeks ago, I got a raise.  Five days ago, I won a modest jackpot at the casino on my third spin on the slot machine. Three days ago, I got a handful of new action figures, some new cologne and a big stack of comics. Two days ago, my wife and I just booked our trip to Cuba -  leaving on my birthday, no less. You could say I'm in a pretty good mood.

I must have sat on a really large stack of horseshoes without knowing it, or accidentally eaten some four-leaf clovers or something. I feel inspired to write about absolutely everything, but it seems I'm so busy doing all these things and enjoying my life so much right now that it's hard to sit back and just reflect on everything. I guess I should just ride the wave rather than analyze it to death.

So that, right there, is my excuse for not blogging as much as I should - as if anyone were reading this anyway (..............hello?.............). I do have a lot to talk about (never really been a big problem for me) and I hope to get to it all eventually. I will continue to produce "The Sordid Life of Action Figures" feature, and I am hoping to change the format somewhat to make it more like an actual comic book with voice bubbles and full-page spreads in PDF format. I have new acion figures that I'd like to review/introduce before I add them into my stories.  I also plan on blogging about the trip to Cuba, both before and after we go. I want to spend a little time promoting my wedding photography, as well as pump up my sales in my Ebay store. I have much writing, and even more thinking to do.

So that's pretty much it for today. I just wanted to check in and let you know what's been going on, and what to expect from this blog in the future.  Remember; while there's such a thing as too much of a good thing, there's no such thing as having too many good things. (And I mean "things" in the esoteric sense, not just in terms of material goods.) 

Here's wishing good luck and good things for all of you!

May the Force be with you...

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