
The Sordid Life of Action Figures - Episode I


Power Man had no idea what kind of surprise Thor had in mind for Loki's birthday party. Perhaps Thor didn't, either. He seemed pretty normal after their morning coffee...

Later that night, after all the guests arrived, Loki was certainly surprised that Power Man even remembered his birthday. The two had never really spent much time together and only knew each other through Thor, and Loki had to admit that he'd never even read Power Man's comic book before.

Things started off pretty good. The food was great and the conversation was stimulating. Everyone had more than a few drinks, and like usual, Power Man was starting to get a little loud. He was mostly going off about his deteriorating relationship with Barbie, and making rude comments about dolls in general.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Thor leaped across the room and began beating Loki with a chair. It all happened so fast that Power Man, as drunk as he was, couldn't even react. He'd known Thor to get angry, but this was different. This was pure berserker rage. He didn't even use his hammer. No one else knew it at the time, but apparently Thor had never forgiven Loki for turning him into a frog those many years ago. That, and the fact that Loki had attempted to kill Thor on at least 300 seperate occasions was too much for the Thunder God to keep bottled up inside him any longer. In a flash of violence, it was all over. Thor strode out the door, thunder booming and lightning flashing all around him.

The next day, back on his farm, Loki had managed to escape the ordeal with only a broken nose and some bruises. He'd been beaten up by his brother Thor hundreds of times in the past millenium, but this time was different. To be invited to the Good Guys' clubhouse and beaten senseless in front of everyone was humiliating enough - never mind how stupid Loki felt for falling into such an obvious trap.

This time, even though he'd said it hundreds of times before, Loki swore that he'd get his revenge on Thor. He immediately began new plans for the destruction of all of the Good Guys and their clubhouse. The animals all eagerly awaited their instructions from the Lord of the Farm. Unfortunately, Cow spoke out of turn and had to be punished.

When Barbie asked him about the chair-beating incident the next day, Power Man got angry and told her to mind her own business. Truth was, he couldn't even really remember what happened after the fourth or fifth round of tequila shots. He also threatened that if she called him her 'little man' one more time, he would slap her silly.

Meanwhile, back at the Clubhouse, there was an enormous mess to be cleaned up. The task fell to Arwen Evenstar, who had recently been hired on as 'personal assistant' (ie:housekeeper). After two weeks of cleaning up after the likes of the Thing and King Kong, she began to wonder why she'd ever applied for this crazy job. It seemed she was better off back in Middle Earth fighting trolls and orcs than cleaning the bathroom after Power Man's been in there....

to be continued...

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