
Miniature World!!

I just realized that I had a whole folder full of great photos tucked away that I haven't shown here. (Ooooh... a whole folder...) I have already uploaded a handful of them to Flickr , and you might have noticed them at the right top corner on the blog; a slideshow of my pics on there. So, technically I'm not presenting them for the very first time here, but whatever. I went to Victoria this last weekend, and was reminded of the coolest thing I've seen in that city - Miniature World!

This is a must-see in Victoria if you're like me, and appreciate things like toys, models, dioramas and anything miniature that makes you feel gigantic... ("When I grow up, I want to be Godzilla!" I think I actually spoke those exact words one day long ago...)

Sadly, I did not get to go there on this trip... but here are some photos from my first (definitely not the last) visit a few months ago.

Obviously I can't take credit for how cool the exhibits are, and I will plead ignorance and innocence if I am infringing on any copyright or anything by posting photographs I took of other people's amazing work.

(BTW - You can click on the photos for a larger view.)

  I have dabbled a bit myself in the construction of miniature 'gaming scale' scenery and buildings and what not, but compared to the displays in Miniature World, I need to go back to kindergarten.

In any case, if you love all the little things in life, you really do need to go to Miniature World in Victoria, British Columbia. Call me up if you want me to go with you.

May the Force be with you...