
Top 10 Things I'll Miss About Winnipeg

 This time around, I have a really good reason for the long gap between posts. You may have heard from this blog or perhaps Facebook that I was hoping to move to British Columbia. Well, that is now the case. I have accepted a job in Courtenay, BC on Vancouver Island. I will be on a plane to get there on April 23rd. My wife and kids will follow in mid-June, once our house is sold and we have a new place in Courtenay. Obviously, lots of details have to be taken care of, and my time is limited; thus the delay in blogs.

I would love to list all the reasons we have for wanting to move there, but we'll have to do that later. I think first I'd like to say a few things about where we come from, and why it'll be so hard to leave. I'm sure I've left a thousand things off of this list, but here goes:

Top 10 things I'll miss about Winnipeg

1 - Friends, Family and Co-Workers
I think this goes without saying, but it needs to be said. Less contact with those back home is obviously going to be the worst part about moving. I have a bzillion memories of growing up and living in Winnipeg (specifically Transcona), but the best things about those memories are the people in them, not the places or things involved. Winnipeggers are the most genuinely friendly people in the world (even if a little cynical at times). I sincerely will miss you all! I expect each and every one of you to come out and visit!!

2 - The Hi Neighbour Festival
Perhaps not a particularly unique event to the eyes of an outsider, Transcona's summer street festival is a great place to take the kids - full of rides, games, music, mini donuts and all. Of course, the reason I'll miss this so much is because I remember being a kid there, and I've taken my own kids to the Hi Neighbour too. Hopefully they had as much fun as I did when I was little. The festival has its own mascot, Hi Neighbour Sam, who has recently been liberated from his enslavement at the hands of the sinister Canadian Tire corporation. Oh, and you usually do see your neighbours at the festival... and say hi...

3 - The Manitoba Museum
A few years back, Winnipeg's premier museum underwent a name change, dropping its former, diabolically sexist moniker, 'The Museum of Man and Nature'. (Try to imagine the talk radio broadcasts around this time.) It has always been a top quality museum, but since the name change we began to see a great deal of new exhibits, upgrades and improvements. The relatively recent Parklands Gallery is pretty slick and really caters to the 'family outing' crowd, but I'd still have to say that my favorite part is still the Nonsuch Gallery. Pretty neat to walk onto a full-size ship in the middle of Downtown Winnipeg.... which leads us to:

4 - Downtown Winnipeg
When I was a kid, it was considered safe for two 9 year-olds to take the bus by themselves all the way from the extreme east end of the city all the way downtown (about a 40 minute ride). If you live in Winnipeg, or have checked the statistics on criminal activity here lately, this would seem like a really bad idea nowadays. Downtown used to be full of awesome comic stores, movie theatres, book stores, music dealers, a library, a museum, enclosed skywalks, toy stores, food courts, and everything else a pre-teen kid would be interested in. I guess most of that stuff is still around, but ever since they closed the legendary Metropolitan Theatre and Eaton's, things have changed a lot - for the worst, in my opinion. There are way less theatres (I believe it's down to two now, as opposed to nine or ten when I was a kid), less comic stores (understandable with the comic book market crash of the 90's) and food courts are now full of drug dealers and street gangs. (Let's hope that's something that fewer pre-teen kids are interested in). With all this, there's no way in hell I'd let my kids go downtown without parents until they're at least 15, and even then, I'll need to know explicitly who they're with and where they're going. In a way, I guess I already miss downtown Winnipeg...

5 - Manitoba Beaches
Although it's pretty much a given that you have to drive at least an hour from Winnipeg to get to see any type of landscape at all, living at the low spot of the Canadian Prairies does have the advantage of having lots of of sandy beaches. Grand Beach is usually considered the best one in Manitoba, but it's also the most crowded. Summers here can be blistering hot sometimes, and a drive to the beach is always a great day trip. There's usually good camping around the lakes too, so an overnight stay is also fun. Just don't get busted with open liquor, eh?

6 - The Music Scene
I have played onstage in a few bands in my day, most notably Homesick, Mikado, and Force of Habit. You may not have heard of any of these, but the beauty of the Winnipeg music scene is the sheer number and variety of bands that can be seen at any of the clubs on any given night of the week. From my experience, some of the best places for a band to play are the Pyramid, the West End Cultural Centre, the Royal Albert (watch out for weirdos!), Ozzie's, the Zoo and the Central (in Transcona). There's also a really great network of extremely talented players in this town, and I've had the pleasure of meeting a great number of them; having either shared the playbill with or photographed them in the past. It's been a really cool experience to rub shoulders with the likes of Propagandhi, The Hummers and The Watchmen. I may or may not continue my music career in British Columbia, but I'll never forget all the great times and great concerts I've seen or played in here. BTW, some great current Winnipeg bands to keep an eye on are In Circles, Psychotic Gardening, and ASADO. I think that's enough name-dropping for now.

This is something that is pretty unique to Manitoba. I suppose there could be similar events held elsewhere under a different name, but this is basically a pre-wedding cash grab or sports team fundraising event disguised as a kick-ass party. I haven't attended one in a long time, but here are a few things that you'll always see or hear at a Manitoba Social:
  -Underagers sneaking drink tickets
  -Old Time Rock and Roll by Bob Seger
  -FREE rye bread, kolbassa, pickles and Old Dutch brand rippled potato chips
  -Grandpa getting loaded and Grandma leaving early
  -Mony Mony by Billy Idol ("Hey mother****er, get laid, get ****ed!")
  -Cheap liquor
  -Silent auctions/prize draws for the "extra large bottle of perfume"
  -You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC
  -Drunken fist fights in the parking lot
Ahhh...the memories....

8 - Festival Du Voyageur
Winnipeg has a very large and prominent Francophone community, and for a week or so every February, all of Winnipeg gets to go walk around outside in the freezing cold and look at ice sculptures, eat pea soup and maple sugar, explore a fort and take a toboggan ride or two, all while learning about the history of the Voyageurs and indeed the history of Winnipeg itself. Although I have recently been put off by the large crowds, high prices and less than ideal weather, this is an experience you definitely wouldn't want to miss if you find yourself in Winnipeg in the middle of one of it's coldest months. Winter carnivals are a great way to stave off cabin fever and the subsequent cannibalism which can sometimes follow...

9 - Everything is cheaper in Winnipeg
I don't know what it is, but people from Winnipeg love a deal. Instead of bragging about how much something we own is worth, we brag about how much we saved. Moving to BC probably seems like a really stupid move to my fellow Manitobans, and I can't count on both hands how many people in the last week alone have repeated the same joke to me about how the letters BC stand for "bring cash". That being said, prices have been steadily going up and up here anyway, and I've never been one to count my pennies in the checkout line. (That's right Grandmas! I'm talkin' to you!!) Still, I agree it would be nice to continue to pay less for everything - from beer, gasoline, taxes, food, clothing, insurance, utilities, you name it. I don't consider myself cheap (I know a lot of people who are way worse), but I suppose I'll probably complain a lot about the prices after the move, and curse all the 'rich bastards' who can actually afford whatever they want...

10 - It's my home
I grew up here. I have family and tons of great friends here. Many of my relatives are buried here. Since I learned that our move was a certainty, I'm filled with a certain sadness every time I pass by a place that I remember from growing up. Over here is my old elementary school; over there is where I drank my first sip of Jack Daniels; that's the house where my best friend used to live; that's where I lost my virginity (finally); etc., etc... you get what I'm saying. On my first visit back to Winnipeg, I'm going to go to all these places again, and I'm going to call up all the people I used to hang out with - well, at least all the ones who'll still hang out with me... I wouldn't be who I am if it weren't for Winnipeg (and again, specifically Transcona), and I'll never forget my roots.


That's it for the list, but there's obviously going to be things I forgot to mention. In keeping with the traditional format of the 'Top 10', some things had to be sacrificed. No one ever makes 'Top 14' lists...

As a quick side note, I am currently in the process of liquidating many of my non-essential belongings, including camera gear, comics, action figures, books, movies, Cd's, furniture and more. Keep an eye out for my Ebay store and Kijiji listings to get a great deal, Winnipeggers!

Though this is not the end of my blog, it is sadly the end of an era. If  you know me personally and want to know more about the move and want to catch up before I go, please feel free to drop me a line at andonator2000@yahoo.ca . I can't promise that I'll have a lot of time, but I will do my absolute best to get in touch with everyone I can. As I said, I'm going to miss you all when I'm gone.

May the Force be with you...


Fist of the Samurai Schmuck

Once again, it's been what seems like an eternity between posts for me, but I don't like to put anything out there if I don't really have anything worthy to say. This time around, I'm going to pump out some quick movie reviews to hopefully get things going on this blog again, mostly just to let you know that I'm still here and I'm not dead or anything.

I've told you before that I am an avid Netflix watcher, and all but one of these films were viewed on there. I think I like the ability to instantly watch some obscure movie that I've always wanted to see but never wanted to pay for. Yes, I guess I am paying for it with my monthly subscription fee, but I can always turn off a movie that I don't like and start watching something else. There's enough stuff on there that I feel I could never be stuck without something worth watching.

(Once again, Netflix Execs can contact me and send payment for my advertising services at any time...)

Here are some notable films I've seen recently, good and bad:



Excellent film! I was impressed by Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai, generally regarded as one of the best movies ever made, but I was equally blown away by Kagemusha, which was made some 26 years later with a much bigger budget. Now I am not by nature an 'artsy-fartsy' film fan, as a lot of fans of Kurosawa seem to be, but something is very cool about watching his movies... like I'm learning something about Japanese culture and history and being entertained at the same time. And who doesn't like watching movies about Samurai?

This film is about a thief who impersonates the Warlord Shingen after his death in order to keep his passing secret. He does it so well and resembles him so strongly that he manages to fool the enemy as well as members of his own household, who are utterly convinced that the imposter is truly Lord Shingen. I guess you could say it's kind of like the same story as Garfield:A Tale of Two Kitties, but there's no talking animals and no happy ending where Garfield and Odie go home with Jennifer Love Hewitt. In fact, it's sort of tragic and not really happy at all...

Visually, this is a very compelling movie - the sets and landscapes are all beautiful,  the costumes are elaborate and the battle scenes are epic and realistic. Kagemusha has the same slow and steady pacing that you'd expect from Akira Kurosawa, but I think this really allows one to feel immersed in the setting and fully absorb the weight of the situations presented in the story. Although I don't think I could accurately describe it to someone who's never seen this type of film before, I highly recommend it to anyone who actually likes to think while they're watching movies. It makes you feel smart for having watched it. There, I said it.


Fist of the North Star

This actually made me feel dumber for having seen it. I honestly don't know what to say about this..... Wow. This is one of the weirdest and stupidest movies I've seen in a long time... The film is set in a post-apocalyptic (ie: Road Warrior -like) world where only the greatest martial artists and the most desperate peasants survive, and only one man can rise against the oppressive regime of the ruling Southern Cross Kung Fu school. So... basically, civilization as we know it depends solely on the 'Fist of the North Star', a guy who looks like the lead singer of a crappy 80's glam-metal band that can make people's heads and inner organs explode just by punching them rapidly and repeatedly in certain deadly pressure points. That's the jist of it. Yeah, there's some other stuff about avenging the dead father and fulfilling the one's destiny, yadda yadda... standard fantasy stuff.... whatever.
This straight-to-video monstrosity is based on what I'm told is a far superior manga epic by the same name. Maybe it's the live action aspect of it that doesn't translate so well... Perhaps it could be the poor acting by the lead characters, who seem to have been cast mostly for their martial arts prowess (Christopher Penn as an evil henchman is by far the best actor in this film, but his kung fu just isn't there...)... Maybe it's the low-budget, ridiculous-looking gore you see throughout the film.... Whatever. Who cares. It sucks. It sucks bad enough to be funny, but it's not funny enough to keep you watching it. I think I only made it about 3/4 of the way through this, so I guess this really isn't a qualified review. I suppose something drastic could have happened in the last 20 minutes to redeem the rest of this Hollywood hack job, but I wasn't about to stick around to find out. I guess you could put this on for a laugh if you're a sucker for terrible movies, but for God's sake, please don't pay for it!



Dinner For Schmucks

Yes, it's as funny as you would expect. Steve Carrell and Paul Rudd are great together as usual, and Zach Galfiankis puts in a worthy cameo too. There's way too much crazy stuff in here to talk about, but let's just say that I almost wet myself several times. Being a fan of dioramas and miniature scenery, I'd have to say that one of my favorite things about the movie was Barry(Steve Carrell)'s dead mouse creations. Call me a schmuck if you will, but this is basically the same type of thing that I love to do with toys and action figures instead of mice...

Dinner For Schmucks follows a typical comedy movie template - ie: nice guy does something unusual or not so nice to get ahead in life with hilarious results, girlfriend leaves and/or everyone hates him, makes a big speech/heartfelt apology and everything turns out fine for the protagonist, and all the jerks get their comeuppance in the end. Oh well - we see comedies to laugh, not for the original or realistic plots. This film is full of funny people doing what they do best. Not the best comedy I've seen all year, but it's definitely worth a viewing.


Percy Jackson and the Olympians:
The Lightning Thief

I won't say much about this other than to give it the distinction of being a blatant American Harry Potter rip-off. The special effects are neat, and the Greek Mythology aspect is interesting, but the whole thing goes through the motions methodically, predictably and flat. Cool CGI monsters aside, it's all a bunch of blah-blah-blah epic world-saving magic sword/magic amulet/magic map/treasure hunt whatever. Seen it all before, just in different combinations and dressed up in different backgrounds and settings.

"You're a wizard, Harry!"

...no wait...

"You're a Demigod, Percy!"


As you can see, I don't like everything, and I don't hate everything either. I have a big backlog of movies I want to review, but so little time to do it. Don't be surprised if it's another month between movie reviews - if in fact that is what you tuned in for.
BTW, if you came here looking for zany superhero antics, Everyday Heroes #5  is on the way and will follow shortly. Don't worry - this time around it won't be nearly as long as the last one...
Take care for now.
May the Force be with you...



After a month-long absence, you'd think I'd ease back into the blog with a few quick movie reviews, or some shameless self-promotion for my Ebay store...

Not this time, True Believers!

Here it is, in all it's glory! The long-awaited, super-mega-ultra-colossal 4th issue of
Everyday Heroes!!!

BTW, it's a long one, so grab yourself a drink, sit back, get comfy and enjoy this finely-crafted crowning opus of all web comics everywhere!

(Seriously, I hope you like it.)


(click on the pages to view larger)


I sure am glad I finally got that done! Now I can get back to reality for awhile and actually live a normal life....  I hope my family will still talk to me!

Until next time:

May the Force be with you...