
Vancouver Island Newbie

To anyone that actually keeps up with my blog, I'd like to say two things:
1) Thank you - it still amazes me that anyone reads this!
2) I am truly sorry for the delay in posts, and the somewhat random nature of the posts - you may be looking for web comics, or movie reviews, or photography, or comics, or whatever... I seem to jump around a lot in my subject material. Sorry it has been so long since my last post - again. Not like you care...

Anyway, in case I haven't bragged enough about moving, I may as well tell you one more time - my life has taken a major left turn. I accepted a job within my company that has taken me from my hometown of Winnipeg to the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island.

Vancouver Island!! The coolest island in Canada!! And I'm livin' there!! (Sorry Newfoundland... I'm sure it's cool there too, but I've never been there.) The scenery here is AMAZING (mountains, ocean, yadda, yadda) and the people are awesome!! I couldn't be happier!!

That doesn't mean that I was unhappy in Winnipeg. Far from it! I've only been here for a few weeks, and I find myself missing home just about every day. Part of me really misses the traffic... the cold... the attitude - c'mon Winnipeggers, you know what I mean, right?

Anyway, I wanted to post some photos from my new home. The following were taken in and around Victoria, Courtenay, Comox and Vancouver  Island in general. More will follow these, in time of course - give me a break, willya!?! I just got here!!

The Harbour (but not the Inner Harbour), Victoria

I know these grow all over Canada, but I just like this picture... and I thought my wife might like it too...

Buckley Bay

Tallest tree for miles around - Buckley Bay

Union Bay B.C. (I think - this was snapped out the window of a moving vehicle)

Puntledge Park, Courtenay B.C.

Courtenay B.C.

I told you it was beautiful here!! My sparse selection of photos taken at this point are not really representitive of the true beauty of Vancouver Island. Like I said, there are many more to follow. One thing that is definitely different about my life here is the amount of exercise that I get on a daily basis. There are so many hills!! Or at least way more than a prairie boy like me is used to...

Overall, I'd say I'm adjusting pretty well. I haven't fallen off a mountain, been attacked by a bear or been in an earthquake, so I'm good. I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog to "Prairie Boy in Mountain Town" or something like that..... but then what the hell would action figures and comics have to do with that?

Oh well. See you next time,

May the Force be with you...

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