
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Jerk

So I mentioned before that I had just recently gotten a program called Comic Life that makes comics from photos yadda, yadda... Here's something I whipped up using photos from about a year ago or so....again, I apologize for recycling the same photos and jokes over and over...like I said last time, new stuff is on the way.

All of the photos (and comics) are from me - by me - property of me, Andy Bailer, using my toys, that I own, my camera and software that I paid for....I'm not trying to make money off the backs of Marvel Comics, Disney, Microsoft, Lucasfilm, DC Comics, Nickelodeon, Hasbro, DOW Chemical, Coca-Cola or any other megacorp that actually owns the rights to the likenesses of the action figures and/or characters in my photos and/or comics.

The depictions and portrayals of said character or characters expressed in this blog in no way represent the actual actions or opinions of that character or characters as intended by their parent corporation(s).
 That is to say... Marvel might flip out and sue me if I try to ruin the reputation of, say...Spider-Man....who just so happens to be the focus of my 2nd ever comic via Comic Life.

Hope you like it! This is what I think your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man might do with his free time - when he and the other heroes are not fighting crime. If you ever wonder what happens to the Avengers on their days off, this is the comic for you. This is:

(click on the image to see it somewhat larger)


If you like my photos and/or comics, feel free to link to them and pass them around. Just make sure you mention my name (Andy Bailer) and remember that I will be expecting a gigantic cheque in the mail if they become an overnight success. When I hit the Bigtime, I'll remember y'all - don't worry.

May the Force be with you... 

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