
EVERYDAY HEROES #3 - The Flying Circus of Evil

Before I present to you the long-awaited (yeah, right...) third issue of Everyday Heroes, let me explain a few things. First off, the action does not take place within the structure of what you know as the Marvel or D.C. Universe. I'll borrow some details here and there, but I'm just working off of what I know about these characters, and which ones look funny together. There's no real framework for stories at all - it's all pretty ad lib. Let's just say it's all happening within the universe of the mind of a man who is far too old to be playing with toys.

Secondly, the pictures are all shot first (all off the top of my head), before any writing is done  and certain 'story threads' may or may not be completely resolved.....and there will probably be numerous 'continuity errors'. No, you don't get a prize for pointing them out.

Thirdly, these are toys, people. Don't get all pissed at me if I ridicule your favorite heroes. Wake up! They're not real anyway!

Anyway - hope you like it.

(Click on the images to view larger)



Thank you once again for reading (and it's OK if you just look at the pictures).

May the Force be with you...

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