
3 Good Reasons

Opinions are like........well, you know the rest. I figure that if you can’t give 3 good reasons as to why you do, like, think or believe something, why are you doing/liking/thinking/believing that thing? Here’s a few things I can give 3 reasons for....in most cases I can give more than 3, but then people tend to get sick of listening.

3 Good Reasons Why Pearl Jam is the Greatest Band in the World

1- Their tour is Environmentally Friendly and Carbon Neutral (it's true-look it up). They are also socially active, politically left-wing and intelligent about their music and their careers.

2- Eddie Vedder is the most gifted male singer alive today. And he writes awesome lyrics. If I ever grow up, I want to be just like him.

3- They just are. Deal with it.

3 Good Reasons Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs
1- Cats don't kill or severely injure children. Dogs do.

2- Cats bury their droppings. Some dogs are inclined to eat it.

3- Dog owners cut off ("dock") parts of their dogs' bodies for esthetic purposes. Cats are perfect and need no alterations.

3 Good Reasons Why Liv Tyler Ruined Lord Of The Rings

1- Her character never appeared in the books. She did not rescue Frodo from the Black Riders at the river. She was not in Rivendell during the forging of the Fellowship. She did not convince Elrond to reforge Aragorn's sword. She did not marry Aragorn at the end of Return of the King. Arwen Evenstar appeared briefly in an Appendix after the main text of Return of the King and was not featured in the actual novels at all. I realize that a lot of things were altered in the movie adaptation, but her expanded role is one of the few that bothers me. This move by the directors seems like a very ‘Hollywood Boardroom’ type of decision. Yes, it did bring more of the female perspective (and thus more female attention) to an otherwise male dominated story, but LOTR is a classic piece of literature, and great literature will be a reflection of its’ time. It was written 60+ years ago when we were all at war and not quite so politically correct. Edit all you like, but adding major characters to another’s story shows a lack of respect for the original. Sorry Peter Jackson, the movies are otherwise great, but she didn’t belong.

2- Her scenes were overly long and boring, did absolutely nothing to contribute to the story and were horribly acted (at least by her). Looked more like a Whitesnake (or is it Aerosmith?) video than a classic fantasy story.

3- Her fake accent is annoying, and she doesn't look one bit like an elf.

3 Good Reasons Why Star Wars is Better Than Star Trek

1- Nobody ever wore color-coordinated spandex in Star Wars.

2- Nobody ever sang Showtunes in Star Wars. (You hear me, Data fans?)

3- Darth Vader could snap Khan's neck like a twig.

3 Good Reasons Not to Watch Television

1- Moronic Reality Shows (ie: all reality shows. Yes - all.)

2- It`s 80% recycled, repetitive, plagarized or just plain pointless. The remaining 20% is advertising.

3- Avatar:The Last Airbender isn`t on TV anymore.

3 Good Reasons Why I Hate Thanksgiving

1- Turkey

2- Pumpkin Pie

3- Football

I kind of enjoy this format. I think I’ll use it again in the future. I’ve ranted enough for now, and I apologize for going off about Liv Tyler for so long. My brother thinks I have a problem with that.


May the Force be with you...

1 comment:

  1. OMG I've giggled quite a few times reading your blog!! Who knew yoou had such an opinon, on LOTR's whats-her-name(I've already forgotten her name)and buy the way cat's are sometimes declawed & they can DEFINATLY scratch your eyes out, PLUS they will eat you when you die!!! (I'm going to speel incorrectly just to bug you buy the way!!)(I'll expect the correction to my errors highlighted, on paper the next time I see you!! he,he) Thank for the laugh LANA
