
The Newest Bailer (Part II)

Couldn't be happier with the new cat! He's super-loveable, and doesn't mind being followed around and harassed by little girls all day. Chloe is totally in love with him....Daphne shies away a little bit still (I think the cat freaks her out when he runs and jumps all over the place), but she's definitely fascinated by this little black purr-box. Last night, we had trouble getting her to bed because she wanted to know where the cat was all night.

After much discussion, we picked a name for him. His name is Pepper. Although I actually suggested this one, I had other names in mind that I liked better. Some of the ones we tossed around were: Sokka or Momo (after the Avatar characters), Panther (Chloe's idea), Eddie (Eddie Van Bailer! Also, my Dad's name is Ed) and Lando (from Star Wars of course). I think Pepper is a fitting name, even though I think it's a little wussy, and it's easy for Daphne to say: 'Peppa! Peppa!'  A wussy name works since he is a big wuss anyway. Loves to have his belly rubbed and be petted all day.

Just like any other cat, he's incredibly curious, but he hasn't really been into too much trouble - at least not yet. He's a bit of a scaredy-cat at this point - I guess he's just getting comfortable with his surroundings. I'm sure I'll catch him doing something I don't like soon. At least he doesn't jump all over the counters and shelves yet. First time he messes with my Godzilla collection, he's going to get an earful. Of course, cat hair will be an issue, but so far so good.

Welcome to the family, Pepper!

May the Force be with you...

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