
Images from the Fantasy Box

So, I had mentioned in my very first post about the box (a milk crate, actually) of old writings I'd found in my basement. Well, there was more than just written words in there. There were sketches I'd done either just for fun or to illustrate characters in my stories (albeit in a rather minimalistic vein). There were maps of fantastic locations, where earth-shattering adventures had once taken place. There are snippets of poetry. Pieces of hand-drawn comics. Even home-made posters advertising my band(s) performances in the 90's.

Rather than try to describe them all, I'll just throw them out there.

For a time, I thought of myself as a starving artist who just couldn't catch a break in this cold, materialistic era... I guess that probably shows through in the pictures and in some of the fiction, but also especially in the more poetic writings. A lot of the negative things that I had to say at the time will likely not see light here - unless they are super cool and worth showing or talking about.
Hope you enjoy these glimpses into my long lost fantasy box. I'm sure it's not the last time we'll see something from in there.....
May the Force be with you...

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