
The Newest Bailer

Before you get all excited - no, we aren't having another baby. We decided a few days ago that the time was right to get a new pet. Actually, the Winnipeg Humane Society decided that the time was right for us; they had a big sale this weekend.

Lately, I haven't been very fond of the WHS, but we got a good deal and the kids are happy, so I won't open up that can of worms just yet. Bobbie and I secretly planned yesterday to go there this afternoon.

The day started with a visit to the Winnipeg Winter Club for Chloe's swimming lessons. After this we had a snack and a coffee in their cafeteria. All morning we kept it a secret as to where this 'special place' was that we were going after. Chloe was getting pretty annoyed with not knowing.

Anyway, we drove up to the Humane Society and she knew where we were, but assumed that we were just visiting. Her jaw nearly hit the floor when we  told her we were going to be taking a cat home. She wanted to grab the first one we saw and get out of there before we changed our minds! We encouraged her to look around and play with all different cats to get a feel for which one to adopt. Daphne was squealing with delight the entire time we were there!

Being a cat lover myself, I was probably having more fun than the kids, and after seeing all the little cats I was ready to pull out the Mastercard and pay the outrageous $200 fee that they want for kittens under 6 months. The deal was, however, that we'd take one of the adult cats (only $25!) and that's what we eventually did, after a great deal of searching. In the very last room, hidden in the bottom corner cage was the perfect cat for us. Here's a picture of him from the WHS website (I was too busy with the kids and holding the cat to take pictures at the time) :

The name the Humane Society gave him was 'Darcie', which none of us like and is going to change right away. We were all very happy with how friendly and even-tempered he seemed, even with two little girls shrieking and pawing at him. This was the cat for us! All we needed to do now was fill out the paperwork....

Turns out that, because of this crazy big sale, the place had a backlog of pet adoptions to take care of, we couldn't take him home today, but Bobbie and the girls will pick him up tomorrow as soon as they open.

So, in short, we got a cat, but we don't got no cat yet....

Chloe and I went to good old Wal Mart and picked up all the supplies that we need, and she hasn't stopped talking about the cat all day. I know that she's going to turn out to be a loving and responsible pet owner. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is her and Daphne fighting over who gets to feed him and have him sleep on their bed.

Tomorrow is the big day! After we get him home and we get more of a feel for his personality, we're going to name him. The Bailer Family has swelled to five members (fifteen if you count the fish) and we couldn't be more excited!

Til' tomorrow,
May the Force be with you...

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