
Random Photo Weirdness

Hi there. Hope everyone (anyone?) out there is doing all right on this fine Wednesday evening. I find myself on Day Two of my blogging career, and I have writer's block. So, instead of trying to come up with something witty or meaningful to say, I thought I'd throw out some random photos that I had in a folder labeled "flickr & websize" on my old hard drive. Conveniently, they're all 'websized' (no - really?) and ready to go without any conversions. They are all at this time or were at one time on Flickr and/or Photo.net, but I haven't frequented either site very much lately, so they may be gone or not - I'm not sure, and I don't want to bother linking them. You can look yourself if it would make you feel better.

All images posted to this blog are, of course, copyright by me, unless otherwise specified - so if you're going to illegally download and print any of them, at least do me the courtesy of mentioning my name when someone says "hey, that's cool - whose picture is that?". Of course, you wouldn't do that to me anyway, because that would mean you are a completely horrible person and you know you'd never sleep again knowing that you stole food from my children's mouths.

Feel free to contact me if you like what you see, and remember that all images are available for purchase. Oh yeah, and I'm also available for hire as well - all the necessary info will be on my website when it's up and running. If you absolutely can't get enough of me (seems there's never enough of me to go around), you can get me here : andonator2000@yahoo.ca

Yeah, it's a pretty weird selection of photos - not some of my best but way better than my worst. As you can tell, my focus as a photographer (get it - focus? Har.) steers toward toys and landscapes.......stimulation and escape.....go figure.

I guess my writer's block isn't as severe as I thought...

For now, enjoy!

May the Force be with you...

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